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2023 spring vehicle checks - out driving on the open road during spring

2023 Spring Vehicle Checks to make the best of your vehicle this season

With our recent late snowfall, it feels like the UK has endured a longer winter than usual this year! As we start to put the gloomy winter weather behind us, it is time for us to focus on looking after our vehicles for the spring season ahead, by maintaining our 2023 spring vehicle checks.

To make the best of our cars, the springtime offers a great opportunity to get outdoors so need to ensure that our beloved vehicles are serviced and roadworthy enough for driving safely during the spring / summer months ahead.

2023 Spring Vehicle Checks – What’s involved!

Our 2023 Spring Vehicle Checks, will help drivers to improve the vehicle’s condition and may even benefit their financial value.

  1. Give your car a good clean – Following the relentless grime of the winter season, it is time to give your vehicle a good clean both inside and out. By thoroughly washing the car with warm soapy water, it will remove unwanted residue and silt which if left for too long, could unfortunately begin to perish the bodywork. When washing the vehicle, pay special attention to the underside of door rims and lower areas of the vehicle under grills, bumpers, and wheel trims, where they are more likely to be subject to extra dirt, sprayed from the road.
  2. Check the tyre tread – Secondly, check the thickness of the tyre tread which may go
    un-noticed during the winter months, to ensure that there is adequate depth and within UK regulation. According to, the tread should be a minimum of 1.6mm thick, however a recommended 3mm+ is preferable.
  3. Inspect under the bonnet – Under the bonnet you can make simple level checks for oil and screen wash. Please note that you should only open the bonnet when the engine is cool as a hot engine can create excessive steam, which could burn your skin. The best method for an oil check is to firstly park the vehicle on a flat surface. To check the level gauge, use the dipstick to measure, by wiping it first and then dip back in through the specified funnel. If the oil level appears between the two markers then everything is fine. If the oil level appears near or past the lower marker, then you will need to top up with extra. All vehicles are different in terms of oil requirements, so please refer to manufacturer’s handbook for oil recommendations.
  4. Vehicle Servicing – Finally, please check when your vehicle service is due. By regularly servicing your vehicle, the attention to detail will help to increase it’s longevity and keep it in good condition. Here at Stourbridge Automotive, we provide vehicle servicing for Audi, BMW, MINI. Mercedes, Jaguar, Land Rover and Range Rover.

To find out how we can assist you further with automotive support or to make a booking, please contact our team, who will be happy to help you with any motoring requests.