Due to a change in circumstances for many people this year, some vehicle owners may have noted issues in low vehicle battery levels on their Audi, BMW, MINI, Mercedes, Jaguar, Land Rover & Range Rover. Following COVID and the last 6 month lockdown period, many vehicles across the UK have suffered from reduced energy in their batteries, due to the lack of vehicle driving on a daily basis.
Bought on by the fact, that for a few months, – cars substantially reduced their day to day running and were not driven on long journeys. This has meant that vehicles have not had the chance to re-charge their batteries and so the power has possibly deteriorated.
Some owners of Audi, BMW, MINI, Mercedes, Jaguar, Land Rover & Range Rover are finding that their car batteries have become weaker and maybe struggling to start the vehicle first time, or that a warning light maybe regularly appearing on the vehicle’s dashboard.
Improving vehicle battery performance
If this is the case with your own vehicle battery, then it may be that your car needs some battery TLC, with battery locations different in all cars, sometimes the car can require extensive strip downs to gain access.
Our NEW website tips page gives tips for ‘improving battery performance’ or vehicle battery replacement.
To enquire about costs to check your vehicle battery, please contact our vehicle servicing team. Stourbridge Automotive Ltd offers a vehicle battery replacement service to owners of Audi, BMW, MINI, Mercedes, Jaguar, Land Rover & Range Rover. All batteries, whether genuine or OE equivalent are installed according to individual manufactures standards.
Please note that batteries are checked when in for a MAJOR service.